With just 3 pages to print, it is a very fast model. The main parts consist of:
- The Head - Very easy to assemble, just assemble it along with the neck. The hair goes on its own, along with the bunny ears.
- Torso - This might be a tricky part, as it includes the breasts and corset. Be very careful when making the folds here as this are very delicate parts. You do not want this lady to get mad at you !
- Arms - With 2 secctions each arm, the arm itself (pink part) and the fore arm with the hands (brown part). Take in consideration that the arms are to be glued to the torso, so making first the pink sections and then gluing it might be the best shot. Afterwards, you can just insert the forearm parts into place.
- Lower section - This section contains the hips and legs, but not the boots. This section receives the torso part by assembly with no glue, so it is very easy to get all parts together. The apron, double skirt and back ribbon are also part of this section. This can be assembled apart and then just put into place with no glue needs.
- Boots - The final section. This are where the legs are inserted into. Easy to assemble on the top, but the heels are kinda tricky. Be attentive to the mountain-valley folds on this part as it might become confusing.
The original model does has a small plate with 2 beers on it, but since i messed up a bit on the left hand, I decided to get rid of it and just left the model without it.
Here the pics !

And finally, this model can be found HERE.
Just click on the PATTERN FILE link to download the zip containing the .pdo file, then input your email on the field below to have the zip password sent to you automatically and finally click on SUBMIT.
Enjoy !
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